Internet of Things: Policy and Regulation

Course Overview The Internet of Things (IoT) involves connecting devices to the internet across multiple networks to allow them to communicate with humans, applications and each other. IoT is set to have a huge impact on our daily lives, helping us to reduce traffic congestion, improve care for the elderly and create smarter homes and […]

Competition Policy in the Digital Age

Course Overview Competition in mobile telecommunications is multifaceted and dynamic. Telecommunications professionals must be alert to the regulation affecting mobile infrastructure.  This four-week, self-paced course provides a foundation for understanding the rules of competition and the regulatory powers that apply to the telecommunications sector, taking into account the wider competitive landscape, which now includes Over-The-Top […]

Deploying Open RAN for 5G

Course Overview The Open RAN deployment model adopts a new approach for building the Radio Access Network within 5G but also earlier generations of technology. This two-week self-paced course seeks to explore the concepts of Open RAN, outlining key terminology and standardization efforts. In addition, the course provides focus on the architecture of an Open […]

Spectrum Management for Mobile Telecommunications

Course Overview This four-week, self-paced course considers the history and technical evolution of mobile telecommunications before moving on to cover the core functions of the spectrum manager. Participants will learn about how spectrum is used, the characteristics of spectrum bands and the progression of mobile technologies. The course also covers the principles of spectrum planning […]

Addressing Concerns about Radio Signals and Health

Course Overview The effect of radio transmissions on health has been studied extensively, leading to international standards for network antennas and exposure limits for workers and the public. Despite the ever-growing body of scientific knowledge, many people continue to be concerned about electromagnetic fields (EMFs) and their impact on health. This four-week self-paced course looks […]

API Overview

Course Overview Wireless, wireline and cable service providers are on the cusp of a multitude of network and business transformation choices. A good conceptual understanding of the new networking and wireless, wireline and cable service provider business paradigms is essential for professionals in the communication industry. This two-week, self-paced course provides a high-level view of […]

Welcome to Security in 5G

Course Overview In an all-digital world, 5G wireless is a key enabler for fundamental transformation for many industry segments. Security is of the utmost importance for successful adoption. This two-week, self-paced course provides a technical overview of vulnerabilities and mitigation mechanisms in 5G networks, the end-to-end framework of security in 5G for the device as […]

5G Core Network Overview

Course Overview 5G promises to enable a wide variety of new wireless communications services and capabilities, ranging from high-speed, high-capacity broadband access to extremely reliable low-latency communications to machine-type communications on a massive scale. To deliver on these promises, everything about the wireless network must change, including the devices, the radio interface, the Radio Access […]

Welcome to Non-Terrestrial Networks (NTN) in 5G

Course Overview In this two-week, self-paced course, you will delve into the world of the non-terrestrial networks (NTNs) designed to extend 5G services over land and sea where traditional coverage falls short. You will explore how NTNs utilize satellite infrastructure as a crucial component of the comprehensive 5G network and gain insights into the capabilities […]

Welcome to 5G Private Networks

Course Overview The availability of licensed, unlicensed, and shared frequency spectrums as well as the capabilities of 5G networks enable the deployment of private networks for many verticals, including industrial automation, healthcare, etc. This two-week, self-paced course provides a technical overview of the private network architecture, key technology enablers, and the role of key players […]

Principles of Mobile Privacy and Security

Course Overview The growth of the mobile internet and converged services is creating new challenges related to the use and protection of people’s personal information. The legal landscape is also evolving to address the challenges related to privacy and security posed by emerging technologies and enhanced data processing capabilities. This three-week, self-paced course investigates the […]

Welcome to Roaming in 5G Networks

Course Overview Roaming refers to the ability of a mobile device to connect to a visited network and access services while outside its home network coverage area. 5G offers enhanced roaming capabilities, enabling faster and more reliable connections across diverse networks globally. This two-week, self-paced course provides an overview of 5G network roaming, including an […]

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